8.UIM 2501 RS232-CAN2.0B Stepper Motor Control Converter Product Details & Order

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8.UIM 2501 RS232-CAN2.0B Stepper Motor Control Converter

The UIM2501 RS232-CAN Converter is used in conjunction with UIM242XX stepper motor controller to provide a RS232 interface on the user side and a CAN bus interface on the motor side (factory side). With the UIM2501, user can benefit from the advantages of the CAN network and the simplicity of RS232 protocol, there is no need to deal with the complicated CAN protocol, no worry about the communication distance and noise immunity. One UIM2501 controller can network with up to 100 UIM242XX controllers. Interfacing the UIM2501 is simple intuitive and fault tolerating. Users are not required to have stepper motor driving or CAN protocol knowledge. UIM2501 is compact in size. The enclosure is made of die-cast aluminum to provide a rugged durable protection and improves the heat dissipation.

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